REPORTÉ | SOLIDARITÉ NOAILLES - Foire d'Art et d'Artisanat, 1er au 4 décembre 2024

Kishan Munroe artiste multimédia originaire des Bahamas

En septembre 2008, Kishan Munroe a été l'hôte de la Fondation AfricAméricA, les images et commentaires présentés sur son site témoigent de la richesse de son expérience.

"Haiti is a place that must be experienced and not just researched in books or viewed on television, to better understand the country and the plight of the contemporary Haitian people. My time spent in Haiti was enlightening beyond measure, affording me the opportunity to see many places and experience many things I would not have, had I not taken the initiative to seek awareness for myself."

Kishan Munroe à Gonaïves - Oct. 2008 copyright © K. Munroe
Kishan Munroe à Gonaïves - Oct. 2008 copyright © K. Munroe
Kishan Munroe was born in Nassau, Bahamas in 1980. He is the product of a social, cultural and historic continuum of artists in a region where the tradition of art-making is expressed through its many layers of varied and complex histories.

As a young and aspiring artist, he was accepted into one of the Bahamas' most successful programs for young artists- the Annual FinCo. Art Workshop sponsored in part by the Finance Corporation of The Bahamas. The program was geared towards the refinement of the talents and skills of the country's most promising artists. In addition to such accomplishment, Munroe worked under the tutelage of some of the Bahamas' most renowned international painters.

In the fall of 1998, Munroe embarked on his studies at the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, Georgia. He double-majored in Painting and Visual Effects and completed his undergraduate work with honors in 2003. He went on to pursue graduate work at his alma mater on a graduate fellowship and concluded his studies in Painting in 2005.

Kishan's work has been exhibited both in the Caribbean and the United States. His work is included in many public and private collections. He is the recipient of numerous awards and accolades including: grants from The National Endowment for the Arts, the Governor's Choice Award, the Combined Merit Fellowship at the Savannah College of Art and Design and the Nancie Mattice International Prize Award.

On the 21st of August 20, 2008, Kishan, embarked upon a multi-media expedition entitled 'The Universal Human Experience' – the first ever project of this magnitude attempted by a solo artist. Kishan Munroe is based in Nassau, Bahamas but will be a global citizen for the next year.

Mercredi 26 Novembre 2008
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La Fondation | Annonces | Actualité | Musée Georges Liautaud | Forum transculturel d'art comtemporain 2015 | _TRANS- | Forum transculturel d'art contemporain 2011 | Forum transculturel d'art contemporain 2008 | PROJETS | Le Centre culturel AfricAmericA | Forum transculturel d'art contemporain 2006 | Sculptures pour La Paix | Regards croisés - La Réunion, avril 2005 | ACTES - Résidence Marseille, juin 2005 | Forum multiculturel d'art contemporain 2004

La tradición se rompe pero cuesta | Exposición Colectiva | Mujeres del Caribe
Jaime Lee Loy, Trinidad and Tobago
Analee Davis, Barbade
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