REPORTÉ | SOLIDARITÉ NOAILLES - Foire d'Art et d'Artisanat, 1er au 4 décembre 2024
Participants au Forum 2015

David Peter Frohnapfel

David Frothnapfel et Josué Azor
David Frothnapfel et Josué Azor
David P. Frohnapfel (Allemagne) participera au cycle de conférences, avec Barbara Prézeau Stephenson (Haïti), à FOKAL, le mardi 7 avril, 16h30 - 18h30.
Thème : "La déconstruction du genre"

Et à la Villa Kalewès, le lundi 6 avril, à 19h30, David nous invite à l'exposition "Noctambules / Hidden Transcripts", avec Josué Azor, Mario Benjamin, Maksaens Denis.


In April 2015 the forum transculturel d'art contemporain will discuss the theme Creation & Counterpower. As part of this conceptual framework the exhibition project "Noctambules : hidden transcripts" will ask which social processes mark the LGBT community in Port-au-Prince as deviant and how homosexuality can manifest itself as a powerful counter-culture in this hostile and heteronormative environment. Which are the hidden transcripts (James Scott) and communal bonds the LGBT community in Port-au-Prince creates to resist marginalization and heal the wounds of permanent sexual oppression?

Our main concern will be to discuss if art can be a mechanism to escape the heteronormative matrix of power by developing particular queer aesthetic sensibilities. Can art be considered a medium to create counter-narratives against the dominant transcript of the hetero-patriarchy in a safe environment ?

The exhibition will consists of two separate rooms.

Room 1 : solo exhibition Josué Azor

de Josué Azor
de Josué Azor
Josué Azor’s photographs document how an engagement celebration of two men was violently interrupted by homophobic attacks and juxtaposes these disturbing images of violence with the joyful celebrations of gay popular youth in Port-au-Prince at night.

These juxtapositions of violence and release create awareness of queer infra-politics and reflect on the socio-political disobedience of men and women in Haiti who search for possibilities to resist social discrimination and oppression by the hetero-patriarchy.

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Room 2 : group show (Maksaens Denis, Mario Benjamin, Guyodo, etc.)

de Maksaens Denis
de Maksaens Denis
While the first room discussed the social context of discrimination of homosexuals in Haiti, will the second room concentrate on an art theoretical approach : can speak of a particular queer sensibility within the Haitian artistic scene in Port-au-Prince and if so can we maybe find certain codes in these art pieces that resist against a hetero-centrist colonialization of the visual arts. How can we bypass queer ghettoization as well as the danger that lies in generalizations and essentialist discourses at the same time.

Our main goal is to contribute to destabilize fixed notions of identity and to deconstruct clear binaries such as heterosexual/homosexual, gay/lesbian and masculine/feminine, as well as the concept of heteronormativity. But aren’t we to risk to fall into a hetero-centric trap that evokes that all artists are considered to be straight before they are labeled or otherwise proven to be queer?

Vendredi 3 Avril 2015
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Participants au Forum 2015 | Activités du Forum 2015

La tradición se rompe pero cuesta | Exposición Colectiva | Mujeres del Caribe
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Joscelyn Gardner, Barbade / Canada
Elsa Maria Hernandez, Porto Rico
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