REPORTÉ | SOLIDARITÉ NOAILLES - Foire d'Art et d'Artisanat, 1er au 4 décembre 2024
Participants au Forum 2015

Adler Guerrier

Adler Guerrier (Haïti / États-Unis) nous propose une conférence : Formulating a Plot, qu'il résume ainsi « A presentation of works, shaped as an exhibition by the Perez Art Museum Miami. The lecture will bridge ideas discussed in the catalogue towards the theme of "Creation et Contre-Pouvoirs". »

Adler Guerrier, artiste né en 1975 à Port-au-Prince, Haïti, vit et travaille à Miami, en Floride. Guerrier a étudié à New World School of the Arts / University of Florida.

En 2014, Perez Art Museum Miami a présenté l'exposition “Adler Guerrier : Formulating a Plot”, accompagnée d'un catalogue.

Formulating a Plot

The Haitian born and Miami-based artist Adler Guerrier (b. 1975) works in a variety of media, including sculpture, photography, prints, and collaged works on paper. Guerrier’s practice investigates the mutability of text and image and the variability of meaning. He is as interested in politics as he is in poetics, and his work explores the rich territory between them. Often using Miami as a physical site and an embodiment of realized (and unrealized) moments in American political and social history, Guerrier examines, repurposes, and sometimes fictionalizes the city through his work. Guerrier’s oeuvre is expansive in its engagement with the urban environment, art history and materials and this exhibition will bring together a selection of work from the last decade of his career alongside new work produced for this presentation.

Tiré de la présentation de cette exposition au Pérez Art Museum de Miami
(7 août 2014 - 25 janvier 2015)

L’œuvre de Adler Guerrier a aussi fait l’objet d’expositions, telles que
- "The Whitney Biennial 2008" à The Whitney Museum of Art, New York,
- "Freestyle" à The Studio Museum in Harlem, New York,
- "Quirky, Odd & Out of Sorts : Five Artists from the Caribbean React to Stereotypes",
à Movimiento de Arte y Cultura Latino Americana, San Jose, Californie, et
- “Pares y Nones : Contemporary photography from Haiti and the Dominican Republic”,
à Museo de Arte Moderno, Santo Domingo, Republique Dominicaine.

Samedi 4 Avril 2015
Lu 382 fois

Participants au Forum 2015 | Activités du Forum 2015

La tradición se rompe pero cuesta | Exposición Colectiva | Mujeres del Caribe
Joscelyn Gardner, Barbade / Canada
Barbara Prezeau Stephenson, Haïti
Alida Martinez Soto, Aruba
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Analee Davis, Barbade
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